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Look on the outside how you feel inside.



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Make-up, makeup artits at work.


Welkom by Chilla Vanilla!  


Hier glo ons God het jou klaar beautiful gemaak. 

By CHILLA\V kleur ons net in en maak jou mooi, mooier!

Ons is jou plat-op-die-aarde, suster in skoonheid.  Wanneer jy by ons kuier wil ons hê dit moet voel soos wanneer jy jou skoene uitskop en jou bra losmaak na ʼn lang dag :-)  

Chilla Vanilla is die soort mooi-maak plek waar jy jou oë kan uithuil wanneer die wind van voor is, en steeds fabulous lyk wanneer jy gaan. 

Because we know it's about more than just nifty nails and breathtaking brows, it's magnifying YOUR marvel!

We are all for chill vibes, great, personal service, quality products & unpretentious chats.  

Cliché alert:  maar dit is ons opregte strewe om die platform te skep waar kliente, vriendinne word.  

Kom kuier by ons, toe?

Chilla Vanilla, previously known as Vivacious was established in November 2007 a short while after owner, Anrie concluded her studies in Somatology at CUT, then still known as Technikon Free State.  

Since then, Anrie furthered her qualifications to include professional specialised make-up artistry, nails, permanent make-up and eyelash extensions.  

In 2013, het Anrie die Mev Styl Glam Squad toekenning ontvang as wenner van hierdie katagorie, en is so passievol oor skoonheid soos wat sy great is daarmee.



Rounding-off your beautiful toe nails with a lovely foot treatment that will leave your feet silky smooth
Gel Toe Nail Overlay + Foot Peal
1 h
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